22nd Infantry Regiment Paver Project

The National Infantry Museum at Fort Benning, Georgia has initiated a program to allow for individuals and organizations to purchase memorial pavers along the Heritage Walkway at the Museum. That Walkway leads to our 22nd Infantry Regiment Monument on the Walk of Honor at the National Infantry Museum.

The pavers can be purchased to memorialize the service of a veteran or to honor the memory of a fallen soldier. Below are a couple of samples of what those pavers can look like:

Paver Sample Picture

The National Infantry Museum is offering the 22nd Infantry Regiment Society a special discounted price of $200 ($50 savings) which includes a 2" x 4" miniature replica for your desktop or memento display. All pavers will be in place along the Walkway and dedicated at a formal ceremony which will take place on Veterans Day November 11, 2020. The cutoff date to get your paver in place and dedicated is September 15, 2020.

Click on the Icon below to download a PDF file containing the printable order form for pavers.

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